Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sugar free whole wheat banana bread

Josie wants banana bread ill try to make healthy
With Greek yogurt. Whole wheat pastry flour and sucrolose. Bananas already have a lot of sugar. Remember to stop the mixer and scrape down the sides  of the bowl.

One cube soft organic butter or half melted coconut oil
Two eggs
1/2 cup.Greek yogurt
One cup sucrolose ( half honey would go nice with whole wheat) I'd like to try coconut flour next
Mix butter and sugar with one tsp vanilla
Mix 3 tsp baking powder
With 2c whole wheat pastry flour
1 tsp salt
Combine until completely mixes acrapt sides of bowl
I keep my bananas in freezer. Microwave two minutes three bananas let fall out of peel.
Mix until combined
Bake in coconut oil greased pan for 30 min at 350 or until knife comes out clean.

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